Sunday, November 15, 2009

Week 2, Day 1

I am down 4.4 lbs for my first week!!!! OMG!!!!!

I really thought that the amount of calories that told me to eat was too much. I was thrilled to not feel like I was starving myself, just felt "AWARE" of what I was putting in my mouth. I charted everything I ate...well almost! LOL There were a few sneak Halloween chocolates. I need to get these out of my house!!!


  1. Yay, Dallas! That is such an awesome accomplishment..... cheers to the next 4!

    ps..I gave away my Halloween garbage on freecycle. Someone else (a coach of a hockey team) took my calories for me to share with his team. ;-)

  2. I am so proud of you my friend. Anything I can do to support you, let me know and I will!

  3. Good for you, Dallas... It's really amazing how much you can actually eat and still lose weight. I know it amazed me when I started counting!
